Ourswitch.world SEO Analysis

Pagespeed Score
Desktop 64/100
Mobile 41/100
Optimization Stats
Field Data Result
Page Size 62 KB
Compression 10 KB (-83.3%)
Text/Html Ratio 2986 / 64546 (bytes) = 4.63%
Load Time 2.13 second
Mobile Ready 0/100
In-Page Links 66
Doc Type HTML 5
Encoding UTF-8
Declared Language English
Preferred Domain Yes
Robots.txt No
Url Rewrite Yes
Underscores in url Yes
Images Without ALT 2 / 23
Embedded Objects (Desktop) No
Embedded Objects (Mobile) No
Iframe No
Custom 404 page No
Email Privacy Yes
Gsafe browsing Yes
Analytics No
W3C Validity No
Keyword Consistency
Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
nintendo 18
case 11
about 7
switch 6
shipping 5
contact 4
policy 4
privacy 4
terms 4
returns 4
conditions 4
controller 4
games 4
infomation 3
console 3

May, 24 2020

With 2.13 seconds in page load, 62 KB of page size and all other reports below, the ourswitch.world has a SEO score of 45 out of 100

Meta tags data
Title OurSwitchWorld - Bring joy and laughter to family game nights.
Description OurSwitch.World is here to bring joy and laughter to family game nights and just gaming in general. Gaming isn't just about competing with each other but it is also about bonding and spending time with loved ones. After all, family is the single most important thing in our lives.
Keyword gaming, game, game gear
Domain Registration
Age N/a
Created N/a
Updated N/a
Expiry N/a
DNS Data
Host Type Ttl Other
http Headers
Error: No appropriate Whois server found for ourswitch.world domain!
Server Location
Server IP
Server Location United States
Service Provider Cloudflare
Domain Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
ourswitch.com Already Registered
ourswitch.net Available
ourswitch.org Available
ourswitch.biz Already Registered
ourswitch.io Already Registered
Typo Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
iurswitch.world Query Failed
kurswitch.world Query Failed
lurswitch.world Query Failed
purswitch.world Query Failed
oyrswitch.world Query Failed
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